Uttlesford's Local Plan Leadership Group (LPLG) is meeting up ahead of the first publication of a draft Local Plan that will guide the future growth of the district up to 2041.

The LPLG was created to assist the council in the preparation of a new Local Plan.

The group meets to consider a wide range of technical studies and evidence, and then makes informed recommendations to the council's cabinet.

Cllr John Evans, portfolio holder for planning, said: "Publishing a Local Plan involves considerable work across a number of workstreams, including a comprehensive update to the suite of evidence necessary to inform the plan-making process.

"The Local Plan Leadership Group is in place to scrutinise and inform this important work.


"We are committed to preparing the best plan possible, one that protects the district’s essential qualities whilst at the same time bringing the housing, jobs, open space and other infrastructure required for our communities.

"Over the last few months, officers have been carrying out site assessments to ensure they have selected the most suitable options to include in the draft plan which will go out for consultation this autumn."

The next meeting is at 7pm on Wednesday, July 26. The agenda can be found on the council's website.