A school in Great Dunmow has been voted the best in the country by a national sporting association.

The Helena Romanes School, in Parsonage Downs, was named School of The Year by the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association after members across the country voted for them.

The school’s shooting club was set up just three years ago, but has won the national schools under-15 championship twice, trained with world champions and England shots as well as appearing in national press.

Teacher and clay club organiser Neal Wilcox said: “It is fantastic recognition of the hard with the students, parents and sponsors have put in. It also repays the belief the school invested in the idea of a shooting club at HRS.

“Our students have competed at a national level and are the best.”

Mr Wilcox attended the awards dinner in Berkshire where HRS beat a private school which has its own £30,000 shooting ground for the best school title.