Two sisters flew the flag for Dunmow at the Welsh Taekwondo Championships - and they did it in style too.

Ten-year-old Ariella and nine-year-old Alyse Dixon-Bellot were the sole representatives from Dunmow TKD but they returned back from Cardiff having maintained the club's record of medalling at every competition entered.

The girls were among over 850 competitors and took part in patterns, sparring and tag-team sparring.

Dunmow's instructor, Matt Howard, said: "We have never attended the Welsh Championships before but as a club we have committed to attend as many national and regional competitions as possible.

"With the Taekwon-Do World Championships being held in July this year at the Coventry Sky Dome, the Welsh was a perfect opportunity for Ariella and Alyse to prepare.

"They have represented Dunmow TKD at every competition so far this year and Alyse is current British sparring champion in her belt division.

"We are incredibly proud of them and grateful to their parents for embarking on such a long journey."

The girls' patterns division had huge field and although the girls scored well, they did not medal.

They both came close in sparring but without any joy, Ariella in particular having to fight girls often much taller than her.

But because they attend so many competitions, they each have established themselves in tag teams and reacquainted with previous team-mates, they got the medals their endeavours deserved - Ariella with bronze and Alyse with silver.

"It's a fitting reward for their hard work", added Howard. "It would have been easy to give up after such hard individual sparring bouts.

"But Alyse has a saying, 'you either win or you learn', which is incredibly wise for someone so young.

"We're delighted that their hard work and perseverance means they come back to Dunmow with a medal each."