Share your Year 6 leavers messages of thanks with the Dunmow Broadcast

The end of the school year is on the horizon, but it’s been a school year like no other.

Because of the coronavirus lockdown, home schooling and only partial return through the subsequent school bubbles, many parents and their children have been be left without the normal opportunity to say goodbye and thank their teachers.

The Dunmow Broadcast is here to help everyone connected to Year 6 leavers.

Are you a key worker and staff were brilliant at putting your child at ease during lockdown, or have they helped with homeschooling and been reassuring on the return to classes?

We want to hear from you so share your thank you messages.

Send us the teacher’s name, their school and your child’s name - and include a picture of your child alongside your message. You can also send us short video clips.

We will feature as many messages as we can.


Submitted images should be in a JPEG format, of at least 0.5MB.