The president, Brenda Scraggs, welcomed members and 10 visitors interested in forming a new Dunmow WI group for younger members. Birthday posies had been prepared for Pam Kaye and Liz Porter. The booked speaker, Christine Middleton, was unable to attend d

The president, Brenda Scraggs, welcomed members and 10 visitors interested in forming a new Dunmow WI group for younger members. Birthday posies had been prepared for Pam Kaye and Liz Porter. The booked speaker, Christine Middleton, was unable to attend due to ill health but was replaced by Marion Garvey from Onslow Green, who demonstrated autumnal and harvest arrangements. Marion's flower arranging is mainly a hobby but she also does demonstrations, runs courses at the WI centre and wedding flowers. She donated the arrangements for the raffle. Raffle winners were Pam Kaye, Barbara Turner, Chris Rendell, Ann Whitehead and Pam Porter. Ann Whitehead's walk on Sunday September 24 was well supported and another was held on Sunday October 22, starting at 10.45am.The Christmas meal will be provided by Cathy Beattie, and will be held in the Talberd Room on Wednesday December 13 at a cost of £15.50. The competition for An Autumnal Arrangement was won by Ann Whitehead. The next meeting is the AGM on November 8, when cheese and wine will be served before a new committee is selected for the following year. The competition is for "A Handmade Christmas Cracker".

For more details call the secretary, Carolyn Trowman on 01371 859040. Meetings are held in the Talberd Room of the Foakes Hall on the second

Wednesday of every month and begin at 7.45pm. New members are always made very welcome.