A FARMERS life is one of great variety and endeavour. Not only do they toil in the fields and drive around on tractors but they have to concern themselves with financial forecasts, business plans and human resources. Starting today (Monday), our new blogg

A FARMERS life is one of great variety and endeavour. Not only do they toil in the fields and drive around on tractors but they have to concern themselves with financial forecasts, business plans and human resources.

Starting today (Monday), our new blogger, local farmer Jeremy Fulcher (or Stretch to his friends), gives a real insight into what happens on a farm during a whole year - autumn, winter, spring and summer.

Follow this online story into a farmers fight for survival, profits and way of life as we make a regular monthly visit to a farm located near to Great Easton, Essex.

Click on Fulcher on the Farm in the middle of our homepage (www.dunmowbroadcast24.co.uk) each month for an update on farming life.