Dunmow Art Group is preparing to launch the second NW Essex Open Studios Trail next month, with 21 artists taking part.

The trail will take place at the end of June on Thursday 27, Friday 28, Saturday 29 and Sunday 30.

Dunmow Broadcast: Dunmow Art Group will feature artwork in the Open Studios TrailDunmow Art Group will feature artwork in the Open Studios Trail (Image: Dunmow Art Group)

Open studios will be spread within a 13-mile radius of Great Dunmow, with a downloadable trail map available at https://dunmowartgroup.blogspot.com/p/open-studios.html or via @dunmowartgroup on Facebook and Instagram.


Visitors can expect to see painting, drawing, ceramics, textiles, printmaking, willow work, woodwork, mixed media and encaustic work (painting with hot wax).

Some studios on the trail will offer refreshments and opportunities to sign up to workshops.

All of the studios will welcome families and have parking either onsite or nearby.