AN Essex woman who raised thousands after shaving her head is now embarking on a walking challenge in honour of her dad who has dementia.  

Victoria Fraser-Mayo, 52, is fundraising for Dementia UK for the second year running.

Dementia UK is a specialist nurse charity which supports victims of dementia and their loved ones.

The charity hosts many fundraising events each year, including virtual fundraisers as well as more active events - like walks, runs and biking. 

Airport worker Victoria first started fundraising for the charity in February of last year in support of her dad, who was diagnosed with dementia in 2020.

“It was a huge shock when dad was diagnosed and it’s been awful watching him struggle with it every day,” Victoria said.

“It’s been a huge struggle for all of us really, but my mum has found it the hardest bless her.

“They’ve been married over 60 years, so it’s really turned her life upside down,” she added.

It was important to Victoria to support her dad and family, but to also support other families affected by dementia.

“I have a few friends that have been affected by Dementia and I’ve read so many sad stories, I want them to know this is for them too,” she added.

In February 2023, Victoria ‘braved the shave’ for Dementia UK and raised a whopping £3,333.

The event was held at Stansted Airport where both Victoria and her sister Teisha work.

Her whole family and a few of her friends attended the event and colleagues crowded to watch as Teisha shave Victoria’s head.

Her dad sat by her throughout the entire head shave, holding her hand.

The family held a bake sale prior to the main event, where cookies and cakes were sold, as well as sweets and handmade bracelets.

The family also handed out Dementia UK stickers to passers-by.

After the great success of her first fundraiser, Victoria is now walking 30 miles in the 30 days of May to raise awareness and funds.

She said: “I signed up on the website and put it on Facebook, my friends and family are so generous, so the donations started coming in straight away.

“Not only does it feel amazing to do in support of others, I feel so much fitter physically and I really look forward to my walks every day.

Victoria shared her JustGiving page with her friends and family online, but Dementia UK also sent her her very own Dementia UK t shirt along with a sponsor sheet for cash donations.

“I must admit I don’t wear it on every walk, but it’s really nice to have as a reminder of what I’m doing and why I’m doing it,” Victoria said.

Victoria works full-time, but still makes sure to get her one mile walk in every day.

So far, Victoria has raised more than £300 in donations to sponsor her daily walks for Dementia UK.

“People have been so generous, I’m so grateful to everyone that’s donated," she said. 

“It’s such a good feeling to know that you’re making a difference to somebody else, my whole family and I are really touched."

Rachel Daly, an admiral nurse at Dementia UK, thanks Victoria for her effrots.

She said: "People are so kind and so generous - with their time, with their money.

"Some people really go out there and put a huge amount of themselves into it, and we really appreciate it.

"We don't get any money from the Government at all - every penny we get comes from fundraising."

For more information on Dementia UK, visit