Fundraisers were joined by Great Dunmow Town Band to raise more than £800 for young people with cancer.

On World Cancer Day - Sunday, February 4 - Rayne-based fundraising group Team JAWS took part in a bucket collection for Young Lives vs Cancer at Tesco in Dunmow.

Four members of the Great Dunmow Town Band played alongside them for six hours.

Band members included Andrew and Ian on sax, Del on percussion and Richard on trumpet.

Team JAWS was established to raise money in memory of Jake Whiteside, who sadly died after he was diagnosed with cancer in 2017 - at the age of 16.

In Jake's memory, the team initially undertook the Isle of Wight Challenge, where more than £25,000 was raised for CLIC Sargent (now Young Lives vs Cancer).

Ever since then the group have held various events and have now raised more than £60,000.

In 2020 the team became an official Voluntary Fundraising Group for Young Lives vs Cancer, and they continue to promote the charity's work supporting children and young people undergoing cancer treatment.

To support Team JAWS's fundraising effort visit

Kim Mangelshot, fundraising and engagement manager for Essex at Young Lives vs Cancer, said: "We are incredibly grateful for everything that Team JAWS and their wider network of contacts do to continually support Young Lives vs Cancer.

"We rely entirely on donations to fund our vital work and so we can’t thank everyone who donated their time and all the Tesco customers for their donations enough for their fantastic efforts.

"The £800 raised could pay for a family facing cancer treatment to stay for over 21 nights at one of our Homes from Home."


Young Lives vs Cancer helped 184 families, and gave out 152 financial grants to the value of £27,382 to help families cope with the cost of cancer.

The charity's 'Cancer Costs' report found that families with a child on active treatment spend an extra £700 a month.

Their work supports young people age 0-25, and has a 'Homes from Home' service offering families a free place to stay near the child's hospital.