VIGILANTES are suspected of vandalising cars parked in a village by drivers going to Stansted Airport.

Police say they received reports of eight vehicles being damaged on the same day in Dunmow Road, Takeley.

The attacks happened on September 6.

It comes after calls for a crackdown on motorists parking on roads around Stansted to avoid airport car park charges.

In July residents in Takeley complained about a "lack of policing" to tackle illegal parking.

The village is outside the remit of airport-based police officers who protect passengers and staff at Stansted.

There are now fears people are fighting back against rogue parkers and taking the law into their own hands.

Insp Kevin Mayle said: “We believe that these reports relate to ongoing issues regarding vehicles being parked where they shouldn’t be by those going to Stansted Airport.

“Whilst we appreciate that this is incredibly frustrating for those living close to Stansted Airport, we ask the public to report parking issues on the Uttlesford District Council website and not take action yourselves.

“Additionally, we ask that those visiting Stansted Airport use the available parking and do not illegally parking in surrounding roads.”

Enquiries remain ongoing within the Braintree and Uttlesford community policing team.

A police spokesman said: "Anyone with any information which could assist this investigation is asked to contact us.

"If you have any information, CCTV, dash cam or other footage in relation to this incident, then please get in contact with us."

Witnesses or anyone with information can contact the police on 101, or make a report on Essex Police website or use the online Live Chat service at, quoting incident 295 of September 6.

Anonymous reports can be made to Crimestoppers, by visiting their website or calling 0800 555111.