A FORMER Essex Police officer has been found to have committed gross misconduct.

PC Benjamin Sills had been accused of being dishonest about his absence from work.

He failed to provide a valid reason for his absence and accessed force systems for no authorised purpose.

The former officer was also alleged to have conducted checks on the Police National Computer while off duty.

After former PC Sills was confronted about the allegations in December 2022, an accelerated Essex Police misconduct hearing took place on August 25.

Chaired by Chief Constable Ben-Julian Harrington, the panel found the allegations were proven and had he been still serving, former PC Benjamin Sills would have been dismissed.

Mr Harrington said: “This former officer lied to his trainers when confronted with the fact that he had been absent without authority, and he used his mobile data terminal to access force systems off duty and for no authorised purpose. 

“The public must have confidence that officers will be honest in all they do and that information will only be accessed for official purposes.”

“His behaviour undermines the hard work and integrity of thousands of officers and staff in Essex Police who uphold the highest standards.”