A Dunmow gardener has designed a 'beautiful border' which will be featured at the BBC Gardeners' World Autumn Fair next month.

Cara Thompson's design will appear as part of the event at Audley End House and Gardens from September 1 to 3.

The Beautiful Borders are nine metre squared designs which offer inspiration for small gardens and challenging spaces, which this year are on the theme of 'my garden escape'.

Cara began gardening during the first lockdown, and was keen to encourage others to do the same.

She began hosting a live weekly 'Make It Flourish' sow and grow-along on Instagram, attracting thousands of followers.

Cara now hosts a regular community garden meet-up, where members sow seeds, grow flowers and make new friendships.

Her 'Make It Flourish Together' border at the Autumn Fair is her first design for a garden show, and is inspired by the riverbank walk to the group's community gardening space in Dunmow.

Some of the plants grown by the group will feature in the design, and members will be involved in planting and chatting with visitors to the show about their experience.


During the show, Cara will also offer a live, drop-in sow and grow-along at her border.

Cara said: "This border, which is sponsored by Mr Fothergill’s who also support our Make It Flourish group, is a vision of our community garden escape which I hope to make a permanent place for the whole community to enjoy and experience.

"It’s a space to immerse yourself in nature and take time to enjoy flower creations and all that is flourishing alongside our local wildlife."

Rachel Poletti-Gadd of Immediate Live, which organises BBC Gardeners' World events, said: "It’s wonderful to have so much garden design talent on the doorstep and we can’t wait to see the Make It Flourish Together Border in situ at Audley End for the Autumn Fair.

"Visitors are sure to be inspired by exciting design features and planting ideas to take home and try in their gardens at home."

To find out more about the Autumn Fair and book tickets go to www.bbcgardenersworldfair.com.