A dad reckons he's ordered the 'UK's first Real Cheeseburger' after demanding Burger King stack his meatless bun with 20 slices of cheese - recreating the viral Thai menu option.

Craig Harker was desperate to sink his teeth into the dairy-laden burger and ordered the towering 930-calorie sarnie with a side of large fries washed down with a full-fat coke.

But the item that sent online foodies wild when it was announced earlier this week isn't available on the UK menu.

So the 36-year-old ordered a large cheeseburger meal at the Chandlers Wharf branch of Burger King in Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, with a twist.

Dunmow Broadcast:

Instead of having the meat he requested the bemused server to pile 20 cheese slices onto the plain sesame bun instead.

Stuffing so much American-style cheese into the burger cost the dad-of-three an additional £5 - bringing the total to £8.85.

Despite being excited to try the cheesy sandwich, Craig was defeated half-way through, having struggled to swallow what he managed even with the help of his soft drink.

Craig, from Hardwick, County Durham, said: "I'd seen it [online] so I thought 'I'm going to have to try it'.

"Sometimes I've been surprised in the past by things tasting good, this one went the way I thought it would.

"There's no meat, it's literally just the bun and 20 slices of cheese.

"The lad who took my order was a bit confused at first, I had to drive round [and explain]. It's a unique order, I'm guessing no-one's ever ordered it before in the UK.

"I can see the hype about this burger. If something's new to a menu we all get excited, it's why the other fast food chains change speciality items every few weeks.

"I only ate half. It was a challenge that just defeated me and I could tell that after the first couple of bites.

"It was so stodgy the cheese was sticking to the roof of my mouth and I needed the drink just to swallow it."

Dunmow Broadcast:

This is the breakdown of Craig's meal:

  • 20 slices of American style cheese - 800 calories
  • One Burger King sesame bun - 130 calories
  • Large fries- 448 calories
  • Large full-fat Coke - 350 calories
  • Total calories= 1,728 calories

The chain announced the burger's release on the official Burger King Thailand Facebook page earlier this week, with a post that read, 'This is no joke. This is for real'.

Despite being glad to have ticked-off a viral menu item, Craig won't be trying it again.

Craig said: "I won't be ordering it again, it was just missing meat."

Burger King was contacted for comment.