A Dunmow tennis coach has completed a gruelling 24-hour tennis marathon to raise money for the Stroke Association.

Ollie Clark started his tennis challenge at 3.30pm on Friday, June 16, at 1Life Great Dunmow Leisure Centre.

He continued playing for 24 hours straight, with only a few short breaks.

Ollie, who provides coaching for all ages and abilities in Dunmow and surrounding areas, was supported throughout his challenge by other local tennis enthusiasts, who volunteered to play hour-long sessions with him around the clock.

Smashing his original fundraising target of £1,000, Ollie has managed to raise £3,000 for the Stroke Association - a charity close to his heart.


Speaking after completing his marathon, Ollie said: "I'm blown away by all the support I've received. 

"To raise so much for such a worthy cause is incredible! Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to play tennis and has donated, it's made it all worthwhile!"

The Stroke Associaton provides specialist support, funds critical research and campaigns to make sure people affected by a stroke get the very best care and support to rebuild their lives.

You can still donate at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Ollie-Clark86.

For more information about Ollie Clark Tennis go to https://www.facebook.com/OllieClarkTennis/.