Beachgoers are once again being warned to be vigilant after the Essex coastline experienced an influx of jellyfish in recent years.

Police officers previously issued a warning to residents and visitors amid reports of several people being stung in the county.

Two years ago, for example, day-trippers and residents alike were left stunned when hundreds of white and purple jellyfish invaded the area.

Cases were reported in water between Thorpe Bay and Leigh, for example, as well as in Tendring.

The NHS website says most jellyfish stings are not serious and can be treated with first aid.

Alternatively, it advises people to do the following:

• rinse the affected area with seawater (not fresh water)

• remove any spines from the skin using tweezers or the edge of a bank card

• soak the area in very warm water (as hot as can be tolerated) for at least 30 minutes – use hot flannels or towels if you cannot soak it

• take painkillers

Experts say people should not treat any stings or wounds with vinegar or urine, and also advise against using ice.

Spines should not be removed with bare hands.

Read more:

The main symptoms of sea creature stings are intense pain where and an itchy rash.

Anyone suffering severe pain for a prolonged period of time, or has been stung on the genitals or face is advised to attend a minor medical unit.

However, there are other extreme symptoms which occur in rare circumstances which the NHS urges people to contact 999 for.

These include:

• difficulty breathing

• chest pain

• fits or seizures

• severe swelling around the affected area

• severe bleeding

• vomiting

• lightheadedness or loss of consciousness