Staff and pupils at Great Dunmow Primary School took part in Red Nose Day activities to raise money for charity.

Everybody came to school dressed in red for the occasion, with some "quirky interpretations" of the theme.

Pupils and teachers also took part in a whole-school event, playing their own version of the game show Play Your Cards Right.

Dunmow Broadcast: Pupils pelted teachers with custard pies and water for Red Nose DayPupils pelted teachers with custard pies and water for Red Nose Day (Image: Great Dunmow Primary School)

The game was extremely popular with the pupils, because if a staff member did not predict the cards correctly they had to sit on the 'seat of doom' and receive either a custard pie to the face or a blast from a water squirter.

Teacher Kevin Watts said the event was "great fun", and raised £400 for the charity.

Red Nose Day took place on Friday, March 17.

Dunmow Broadcast: Staff and pupils took part in games to celebrate Red Nose DayStaff and pupils took part in games to celebrate Red Nose Day (Image: Great Dunmow Primary School)

This year's Red Nose, designed by Sir Jony Ive, starts as a tiny, flat crescent and springs into a honeycomb-paper sphere - to prove that the littlest things can make a big difference.


Comic Relief supports projects and organisations who are making a difference to people both in the UK and around the world, tackling issues such as the cost-of-living crisis, homelessness and food poverty.

Dunmow Broadcast: Pupils pelted teachers with custard piesPupils pelted teachers with custard pies (Image: Great Dunmow Primary School)

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Dunmow Broadcast: Teachers were sprayed with water as part of the Red Nose Day festivitiesTeachers were sprayed with water as part of the Red Nose Day festivities (Image: Great Dunmow Primary School)

Dunmow Broadcast: Pupils dressed up in red to celebrate Red Nose DayPupils dressed up in red to celebrate Red Nose Day (Image: Great Dunmow Primary School)