IT WAS another bumper year for the Thaxted Guildhall Gardening and Craft Show with over 400 exhibits and well over 100 entrants.

IT WAS another bumper year for the Thaxted Guildhall Gardening and Craft Show with over 400 exhibits and well over 100 entrants.

The show also drew hundreds of visitors who had packed the ancient building to see a glorious riot of colour in the floral sections, and to admire the skill in the craft, cookery and gardening exhibits.

Organisers were particularly delighted by the increasing number of teenagers and children getting involved in the annual event.

“We our proud and excited that the show has a wide and growing appeal in and around Thaxted,” said a spokesman.

“There are entries from both experienced vegetable growers with established gardens and also, with the growing interest in growing produce at home, entries grown in small gardens and even some grown in old recycling boxes.

“It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all the growing, making and baking that goes on in and around Thaxted.”