STUDENTS at the Helena Romanes School left the audience on their feet with a recent production of Footloose.

Dunmow Broadcast: Students from the Helena Romanes School performing their version of 1980s film Footloose.Students from the Helena Romanes School performing their version of 1980s film Footloose. (Image: Archant)

Students, from years 7-13, and staff were involved in acting, dancing, singing, music, front of house and backstage roles to help make the show a success.

Audiences joined in when classic songs ‘Footloose’, ‘I need a Hero’ and ‘Let’s Hear it for the Boy,’ were performed.

Chris Larkin, a year who played main protagonist Ren McCormack, said: “School productions at HRS have always been such a privilege to be part of and this year’s performance of ‘Footloose’ has got to be the best yet.

“From the fantastic 1980s costumes and make up to the slick transitions, high level of choreography and professional cast members, the show was a huge success.

“The cast would like to thank all the staff and everyone involved within the production.

“Thank you to everyone that supported the production and we look forward to seeing you next year.”

Students from the school also attended an acting workshop hosted by the Peregrine Theatre Company.

The workshop, run by Miles Foster, started off with playing games to help the students relax before teaching them acting techniques.

Zoe Peters, year 12, said: “Overall I think having this workshop has helped us all gain confidence and open up our minds to new things that will help us within our monologues, we are very grateful to have had this opportunity.”