A SAFFRON Walden theatre company has been given a prestigious award for its work on healthy relationships and sexual health.

Dunmow Broadcast: Hyperfusion won an award for its theatre projectHyperfusion won an award for its theatre project (Image: © Katalin Karolyi. All rights reserved.)

HyperFusion Theatre Company’s SCREAM project saw it awarded the High Sheriff’s Award for its work in Hertfordshire.

The company’s two plays – Love, Lies and Lullabies and It Won’t Happen To Me – went on tour across Hertfordshire in collaboration with HertsAid, a Hertfordshire-based HIV charity.

The award comes on the back of an announcement that teenage pregnancy in what is deemed a ‘high risk’ area has gone down 15 per cent since the project started there three years ago.

Artistic director Sarah Ellis said: “What started as a small gem of an idea in a coffee shop has now turned into such a successful project funded by the primary care trust and hailed as a success throughout Herts.

“I am thrilled with the award but also with the 15 per cent change, not only for the aspiration of those teenagers who have made different choices, but also towards our long term goal of reducing the amount of people diagnosed as HIV positive.

“We educate about safe sex through interactive theatre looking at relationships, self esteem and choices.

“We don’t believe in handing out statistics and instructing people how to live their lives. We believe in empowering people to make positive decisions and it is so fantastic to see that our unique way of delivering this is making a huge difference and being recognised.”

If anyone is interested in tackling relationships and sexual health through HyperFusion’s interactive theatre, contact at sarah@hyperfusion.co.uk or check out the website, hyperfusion.co.uk