A new charity has formed to highlight and celebrate the rich and diverse heritage in northwest Essex.

Dunmow Broadcast: Hundred Parishes boundary diagramHundred Parishes boundary diagram (Image: Archant)

The Hundred Parishes Society aims to encourage both residents and visitors to learn more about the area, which includes northeast Hertfordshire and southern Cambridgeshire, and to explore and cherish it.

The area is home to more than 6,000 listed buildings and a wealth of countryside. The name for the society was picked as the boundary comprises a hundred administrative parishes.

A website has also been launched to explain the concept more fully. It includes an introduction to each parish, a series of walks from railway stations and a short introduction to a number of notable people associated with the area.

The website shows regular events and local attractions and there is a ‘What’s On’ page and includes details of how to join the Society.

Chairman Douglas Kent said: “We hope many people will make regular use of our new website and that it will inspire them to discover more about the area. We hope lots of families and organisations will support our initiative by becoming members of the Hundred Parishes Society.”

To view the website visit hundredparishes.org.uk.