HOW will the date November 29, 2006 go down in the history of Uttlesford? Will awareness of integrated government influence planning in Uttlesford? Will all government policies and all current thinking on economic, health and environmental welfare come in

HOW will the date November 29, 2006 go down in the history of Uttlesford?

Will awareness of integrated government influence planning in Uttlesford? Will all government policies and all current thinking on economic, health and environmental welfare come into the equation when councillors weigh up officer recommendations?

On Sunday morning I walked in Hatfield Forest. Soon I shall be walking there with another grandchild.

Will that grandchild's grandchildren be taken to walk along its paths and through its meadows?

Will it climb exhausted stumps of ancient trees, watch the birds by the lake, learn to ride a bicycle in safety? In the end, will common sense prevail?

Suzanne Walker, Radwinter