I WAS very interested to read in the Broadcast that our MP Sir Alan Haselhurst is to invite councillors to attend a meeting to discuss the council s housing strategy. What I would like Sir Alan to do with millions of others is to invite all MPs to the Hou

I WAS very interested to read in the Broadcast that our MP Sir Alan Haselhurst is to invite councillors to attend a meeting to discuss the council's housing strategy.

What I would like Sir Alan to do with millions of others is to invite all MPs to the House of Commons and discuss why does the UK need thousands of new homes.

Answer: uncontrolled mass immigration then all MPs can discuss the disappearance of our countryside under concrete, water shortages, loss of wildlife, loss of our history and culture, education standards falling, crime up, local authorities not having enough money to cope with an increase in demands on local services, old people suffering, and people who fought to save this country being treated atrociously.

All this Sir Alan, would be a debate worth listening to. If you can tell your right honourable friends to take off the rose tinted glasses, get a backbone and wake up to the real world. Listen to constituents, we would all be a lot happier if you did.

Michael Reeve

