I recently applied for planning permission to open a training centre for carers in Dunmow. In order to fit in with the normal working hours of most carers I applied for opening hours from 7.30am. However, council planners decided that I can only operate

I recently applied for planning permission to open a training centre for carers in Dunmow. In order to fit in with the normal working hours of most carers I applied for opening hours from 7.30am.

However, council planners decided that I can only operate from 9am, which will impact on my clients as it will mean their usual childcare, etc will have to be rearranged. This is likely to have an added cost to them.

Whilst I understand that residents should be protected from a large increase in traffic and associated noise, I am not sure how much impact a training centre for six clients is likely to have.

The council obviously feels that the garage in the same row of units, which has opening hours from 8am, is less intrusive. The planning for this garage was only granted on February 15 2007 and the only condition re hours was that no power tools, etc should be used before 8am.

Also, if you choose to live in a property that backs on to an industrial estate you must expect a degree of disruption, especially as the industrial estate was there long before the houses.

I am at a loss as to why the planners have applied these conditions, especially considering the state of the economy at present.

It seems they do not want the local community to be able to train to remain in work, or return to work, without travelling long distances, thus increasing both the financial cost and the carbon burden.

I am also aware that the nursery in the Arts Centre was also refused planning to operate from 7.30am - another example of a small business not being allowed to flourish, employ staff and provide a much needed service to the community.

Alexandra Hayward, by e-mail