THE delay in calming the traffic on Woodlands Park Drive is a scandal. Anyone delaying this by objection or by inaction or by bureaucratic inertia runs the risk of finding him/herself guilty of murder. This is a severe problem requiring urgent attention.

THE delay in calming the traffic on Woodlands Park Drive is a scandal.

Anyone delaying this by objection or by inaction or by bureaucratic inertia runs the risk of finding him/herself guilty of murder.

This is a severe problem requiring urgent attention. Traffic on that road is quite often reckless and almost always too fast for the prevailing conditions.

Even the signposted 30MPH limit is too fast and, at times when children are on the road in connection with the school, it is positively reckless to drive at that speed.

Experience shows that some people in our community can only be disciplined by physical restraints such as humps etc. We need them and we need them fast.

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