IT was with interest that we read in the Broadcast (July 29) about the loudness of the aircraft going over Hatfield Heath.

IT was with interest that we read in the Broadcast (July 29) about the loudness of the aircraft going over Hatfield Heath.

The average aircraft noise was monitored at 71 decibels - equivalent to an electric drill. At no time does anyone mention the noise that comes from farmers when growing their crops.

Birdscarers go off every 15 minutes, sometimes less, and emit a loud bang three times on each firing. They are louder than 71 decibels and on each field where the relevant crops are grown so you may have two or three going off in your vicinity.

Farmers also use something that can only be likened to a rocket and this is 150 decibels. The aircraft noise is gradual and gets louder as it approaches you and then fades as it moves away. The noise coming from farmers fields is sharp and sudden and generally louder.

Can anyone advise why everyone complains about the aircraft noise when they should be going on about the birdscaring devices. Out of interest, we are not ‘townies’ who have moved into the so called ‘peace and quiet’ of the countryside.

Jacqueline and David Brett

Via e-mail