WITH regards to K Weston s letter (Postbag, September 21) on the £45,000 for the skatepark, I must say it was a very unhealthy assault on the youngsters of the town. Yes, I agree they do congregate at the skatepark – that is the idea. A place where kids

WITH regards to K Weston's letter (Postbag, September 21) on the £45,000 for the skatepark, I must say it was a very unhealthy assault on the youngsters of the town.

Yes, I agree they do congregate at the skatepark - that is the idea. A place where kids can hang out and mess about (within reason) is needed for the age group who use it and £45,000 is nothing compared with the obscene amount of money which we paid for a silly roundabout outside your estate so you can get out a few seconds earlier.

Maybe as K Weston wants to stop the skatepark, the teenagers can hang around at his front door instead!

I've seen the skatepark and these so called yobs have a talent which I'm sure you're jealous of. I know I am!

Dunmow has increased tenfold since I was a child, but even then we had nowhere to go, so don't complain against something just because it's opposite where you live.

That is just selfish and greedy and I hope the Mayor does look into it again and doubles the money when he sees that so many kids use the park.

If it's outside unsociable hours, ring your local police station who'll move them on for you - not that I've seen it being used at unsociable hours!

Ian Verley

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