FOLLOWING my letter published in the Broadcast in April this year, dare I believe that somebody actually read it and is now taking action? My concluding sentence now seems somewhat harsh, however. In view of recent developments I believe this fresh incent

FOLLOWING my letter published in the Broadcast in April this year, dare I believe that somebody actually read it and is now taking action?

My concluding sentence now seems somewhat harsh, however. In view of recent developments I believe this fresh incentive to complete the road may be something to do with the current Housing Core Strategy discussions.

A further 420 homes in Dunmow, as recently suggested by Sir Alan Haselhurst, could, in my opinion, be tolerated at Woodlands Park if the bypass is complete.

This would of course dispel the speculation on Smith's Farm and therefore preserve its commercial use alone as included in the current district plan.

I and all my neighbours eagerly await developments.

Graham Albon, Ongar Road, Dunmow