I WOULD like to sympathise with Michael Hogg for the views expressed in his letter Part of Life published in the Postbag (19/04/07). He certainly has a point, and I m pleased to be able to confirm how valuable these experiences can be in the education

I WOULD like to sympathise with Michael Hogg for the views expressed in his

letter 'Part of Life' published in the Postbag (19/04/07).

He certainly has a point, and I'm pleased to be able to confirm how valuable these experiences can be in the education of children! I would go even further, accidents should become part of the curriculum. How much better people we would all be, for the benefit of a broken leg or two.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to elect a council dedicated to the careful laying of specially contrived traps, cunningly devised to entice and injure!

As for 'blame,' I think a little re-education would lead Mr. Hogg to contemplate the well- known fact, accidents don't just happen, they are caused. I urge him to be extra careful next time he eats, and to be especially vigilant, should he ever venture out on to the ultra safe A120 or deceptively tricky A130. "Part of Life"? GET a LIFE more like.

Rodney Blacklock

Grandfather to Nathan Rawling

Holloway Crescent

Leaden Roding