EVERY day we hear about the heinous crimes perpetrated against our black brothers and sisters during the slave trade 200 years ago and how it was supported by the church, the monarchy and the state. It does not seem to have occurred to many people that ev

EVERY day we hear about the heinous crimes perpetrated against our black brothers and sisters during the slave trade 200 years ago and how it was supported by the church, the monarchy and the state.

It does not seem to have occurred to many people that evil is still being meted out today but to the animals (the voiceless), they also are at the receiving end of the most appalling cruelty:

Baby calves taken away from their mothers, often only a day old, so that we can steal their milk; chickens in battery cages so small they can not even stretch their wings, so that we can have cheap eggs; pigs kept in farrowing crates so they can not even nuzzle their babies.

All of this is also supported by the church, the monarchy and the state. You would think at least religion would be concerned, but no. Some religions even use the bible to back their inhumanity.

Each and every one of us who is part of this holocaust could stop being so, right now, by going veggie. Veggies are healthier than people who eat animal products and as an added bonus we would be helping their environment as well.

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