I really like my Wheelie Bins, lined up outside my door. At least they ve got a lid on, which is more than the boxes before. Paper would blow round the garden, and wasps would fly round the tins. Now all my cardboard and plastics, are safely inside my bin

I really like my Wheelie Bins, lined up outside my door.

At least they've got a lid on, which is more than the boxes before.

Paper would blow round the garden, and wasps would fly round the tins.

Now all my cardboard and plastics, are safely inside my bins.

Gone are the days of struggling, with boxes and heavy sacks, 'Cause now I have my Wheelie Bins, to save my poor old back.

Collections are back to once a week, I don't have to remember twice.

I know they've not been popular, but I think Wheelies are nice!

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