I HAVE read with interest the two letters that were published on December 14 concerning traffic calming measures in Woodlands Park. It is absolutely absurd for your first reader; to suggest or imply anyone who is opposed to traffic calming is guilty of

I HAVE read with interest the two letters that were published on December

14 concerning traffic calming measures in Woodlands Park.

It is absolutely absurd for your first reader; to suggest or imply anyone who is opposed to traffic calming is guilty of murder is preposterous.

Of course whilst I accept that this is purely their opinion, the person concerned needs to associate themselves with the facts, which are:

I and other residents are ONLY opposed to the solution put forward by Essex County Council; I have not spoken to a

single resident who is opposed to some form of traffic calming.

If tables and cushions actually worked then we would fully support the proposal. I have evidence which shows they do not work, and in certain cases they have been implicated as the main cause of accidents especially involving cyclists.

Research has also shown that drivers pay more attention to the on-coming obstacle than their surroundings.

I am more than happy to meet with anyone to provide them with the evidence available.

For the majority of councils, the reasons cited for not installing speed humps is the noise, pollution and in-efficiency in reducing car speeds.

Uttlesford District Council states it is acting in ways to protect the environment and we should do our bit to reduce carbon emissions.

Speed tables cushions and ramps cause atmospheric pollution from the speeding up and slowing down of traffic between the humps.

One of the most high-profile critics of the estimated 100,000 speed humps across the country is the London Ambulance Service, whose chairman, Sigurd Reinton, says "the lives of 500 cardiac arrest patients are put at risk by them each year".

If you lived towards the end of the estate would you feel happy knowing a form of traffic calming was going to cost you your life for an ineffective traffic calming solution.

All of the evidence brings into question why Essex County Council is proposing a form of traffic calming that creates more problems than it solves.

David Green