HAVING lived in the countryside most of my life, I moved into the Dunmow area some 25 years ago. Arriving home from work I could listen to the birds singing and enjoy the experience. Complacent of this idyll I sometimes got a little annoyed when cooing w

HAVING lived in the countryside most of my life, I moved into the Dunmow area some 25 years ago.

Arriving home from work I could listen to the birds singing and enjoy the experience. Complacent of this idyll I sometimes got a little annoyed when cooing wood pigeons woke me up early in the morning.

These memories were all brought back recently when the terrorist alert stopped for one day virtually all movements from Stansted Airport and I was once again woken up to the sound of pigeons.

It made me realise how much our quality of life has changed in the past few years in the name of short term and short-sighted creeping corporate greed and political insanity.

During the night there are usually at least two sleep disturbing flights even not living directly on the flight path. I cannot remember the last time I had eight hours unbroken sleep.

We should not let BAA or the politicians convince us that expansion of Stansted Airport is to our economic benefit without the corresponding dramatic erosion of our quality of life. Otherwise the only birdsong we are likely to hear will be on a CD.

Keith Hulme

Philpot End

Nr High Roding