BRAVO to Clare Curtis (postbag June 29). She has hit the nail squarely on the head. For too long we have allowed ourselves to be bullied by the greens , who if you look carefully have a motive for their scaremongering. Greenpeace, for instance, is a very

BRAVO to Clare Curtis (postbag June 29). She has hit the nail squarely on the head. For too long we have allowed ourselves to be bullied by the 'greens', who if you look carefully have a motive for their scaremongering. Greenpeace, for instance, is a very rich group, worth at least £30million. Not surprising, all they have to do is to make yet another prognostication of impending catastrophe and some fool rushes to give them a grant.

Some years ago, in Denmark, there was a period of 90 days when there was insufficient wind to turn any of their multitudinous wind farms and the Danish government found itself in serious trouble.

So much so that they ordered a thorough investigation into the "green" and "recycling" movements. What they found confirmed what I have long suspected - that most recycling is a waste of time and money, and especially, as Clare Curtis suggested, that the 'wind farm' industry has been grossly oversold.

For those who, like myself, are sceptics, I recommend "The Skeptical Environmentalist" by Bjorn Lomborg.

GE Tubbs

Dunmow Road

Great Bardfield